Archeometry and conservation of ancient pigments used in Alexandria (Egypt)
Programme start: 2012
CICRP: Jean-Marc Vallet (director), Nicolas Bouillon, Odile Guillon
Partnership(s): Centre for Alexandrian Studies, Monique Pomey, conservator-restorer
The CICRP, the Centre for Alexandrian Studies and Mrs M. Pomey have established a research programme for the archaeometry and conservation of painted plaster and polychrome fired earth figurines dating to the 2nd century BC. This work focuses on finds from excavations carried out in the region of Alexandria (Egypt), particularly fragments of painted plaster and figurines originating from the excavation of Marea, as well as all the raw pigment discovered in these ceramics. The CICRP contributes its expertise in the field of conservation of mural and polychrome painting, pictorial techniques and binders, and scientific photographic documentation under different types of radiation.