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Programmes de recherche

Nano-systems for the conservation of movable and immovable heritage materials submitted to a change in climate and environment

Programme start: 2012 CICRP programme director: Jean-Marc Vallet Partnership(s): CNR-ISAC, Italy; LRMH; le Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Istituto di Scienze dell'Atmosfera e del Clima et Istituto di Chimica Inorganica e delle Superfici); le Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek; la Fundacion TECNALIA Research & Innovation; Fraunhofer Gesellschaft

Comparative methods of cleaning by mechanical action (compresses and smoke sponge), air-abrasion, laser and cryogenics on plaster, paper and leather support

Duration: 2009–2010 CICRP: Katia Baslé (director), Philippe Bromblet The purpose of this study is to compare the different existing methods of cleaning against that of cryogenics on various materials (leather, paper, plaster) for which cleaning is problematic. Polishing (smoke sponge and micro-aspiration, dual-coloured rubber), fine sanding (glass

Research for a substitute gas to methyl bromide for the disinsectization of heritage assets in historic monuments

Duration: 2008–2011 CICRP programme director: Katia Baslé Partnerships(s): Institute of Archaeomaterials Research, UMR CNRS 5060, IRAMAT-CRPAA; University of Bordeaux 3; Materia Viva Laboratory, Toulouse; TRACES Laboratory – UMR 5608 CNRS, University of Toulouse – Le Mirail; Laboratory for Stored Products – LNDS-QUALIS, Bordeaux Problems of infestation and re-infestation

Conservation of the Mount Bego engravings

Programme start: 2006 CICRP: Jean-Marc Vallet (director), Philippe Bromblet Partnership(s): Aix-Marseille University; Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse; Historic Monuments Regional Department of Archaeology and Conservation (CRMH) Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur; Mercantour National Park The purpose of the programme launched by the PACA Regional Archaeology Department is to establish the degradation kinetics

Deterioration and protection of rammed-earth monumental constructions in the imperial city of Meknes (Morocco)

Programme start: 2003 CICRP: Philippe Bromblet, Jean-Marc Vallet Partnerships: Meknes Faculty of Sciences (Morocco), CEREGE (Aix-Marseille University) A joint venture was launched between the Meknes Faculty of Sciences, the city of Meknès and the CICRP to study the deterioration of the ramparts and main rammed-earth monuments of the

Use of repelling molecules or agents and/or insecticides suited to the conservation of cultural property

Programme start: 2012 CICRP: Fabien Fohrer Partnerships(s): Grazia Nicosia, conservator-restorer, National Centre of Plastic Arts (CNAP) grant; Yohanna Dechezleprêtre, conservator-restorer This research has been carried out with and at the instigation of Grazia Nicosia, conservator-restorer and CNAP research assistant, in collaboration with the artist Ian Fabre. This study aims

Investigation of the entomological mechanisms and physico-chemical phenomena at work in the infestation of glue-pastes by Stegobium paniceum

Programme start: 2008 CICRP: Nicolas Bouillon (director), Fabien Fohrer Partnership(s): Aurélia Chevalier, doctor of conservation-restoration, Arts et Métiers-Paris Tech This programme is an offshoot of a larger programme on Stegobium paniceum and focuses on glue-pastes and the risk of insect infestation for traditionally relined paintings. It also encompasses

Natural cement based plaster of Marseille: identification and restoration

Programme start: 2011 CICRP: Philippe Bromblet Partnership(s): French Heritage Partners Circle, Historic Monuments Research Laboratory (LRMH) (director), VICAT SA The object of this programme is to tackle questions of restoration for facades decorated with natural cement based plasters in the Marseille region by proposing a restoration plaster suited

Degradation of lead paints

Programme start: 2000 CICRP: Jean-Marc Vallet For several years the CICRP has been conducting research on the chromatic modifications affecting lead-based paints, particularly their darkening and the role of the environment in such degradation. Also based on experimental work, particularly with samples artificially aged under different conditions