Deterioration and protection of rammed-earth monumental constructions in the imperial city of Meknes (Morocco)
Programme start: 2003
CICRP: Philippe Bromblet, Jean-Marc Vallet
Partnerships: Meknes Faculty of Sciences (Morocco), CEREGE (Aix-Marseille University)
A joint venture was launched between the Meknes Faculty of Sciences, the city of Meknès and the CICRP to study the deterioration of the ramparts and main rammed-earth monuments of the ancient imperial city. Several sampling campaigns, a university thesis and specialist field investigations have been used to shed light on the materials and construction methods used, as well as assess the primary degradations and determine methods to improve the protection of these structures.

Measurement of the speed of sound on a block of stone
before restoration (Volubilis, Morocco) (photo Philippe Bromblet)
- Bromblet P., Vallet J.-M., Ajakane R., Kamel S., Mahjoubi R. and Meunier J.D., ‘Caractérisation de l’enduit dégradé d’une muraille aqueduc de l’ancienne ville impériale de Meknès (Maroc)’, Minbar Ai Jamiaa, 7, Proceedings of the RIPAM 2005, 2007, pp. 236–246.
- Ajakane R., Kamel S., Mahjoubi R., Vallet J.-M., Bromblet P., Meunier J.D. and Bouadid R. (2007), ‘Caractérisation des matériaux et de l’altération des remparts pour une restauration adaptée : exemple d’une muraille du contrefort de Hri Souani, Médina de Meknès, Maroc’, RehabiMed, 1st Euro-Mediterranean Regional Conference, Present and Future, Barcelona 12–15 July 2007, pp. 453–456.
- Kamel S., Ajakane R., Mahjoubi R., El Faleh E.M., Vallet J.-M., Bromblet P., Meunier J.D., Noack Y. and Borschnek D., ‘Caractérisation des materiaux de construction des remparts de la medina de meknes : exemple de la muraille de Sidi – Baba (Meknès, Maroc)’, Echanges transdisciplinaires sur les constructions en terre crue, 2. Proceedings of the roundtable of Villefontaine 28–29 May 2005, Editions de l’Espérou, Montpellier, 2007, pp. 23–32.
- Ajakane R., Kamel S., Mahjoubi R., Vallet J.-M., Bromblet P. and Meunier J.D., ‘Impact de l’altération météorique sur les murailles de la médina de Meknès (Maroc)’, Proceedings of the International Meeting on Mediterranean Architectural Heritage (RIPAM 2005), 26–28 Sept 2005, Meknès, ENSAM, pp. 119–120.
- Ajakane R, Kamel S., MahjoubiI R., Vallet J.-M., Bromblet P., Bouabib R., Meunier J.D., Noack Y., Borschnek T. and Guillot H., ‘Preliminary studies on the degradations of the Medina’s ramparts of Meknès (Morocco)’, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Stockholm, 2004.
- Kamel S., Mahjoubi R., Arsalan S, Vallet J.-M. and Bromblet P., ‘Chantier expérimental de restauration sur un bâtiment de la Médina de Meknès (Maroc) en vue d’une méthodologie adaptée’, Proceedings of the international symposium Réhabilitation et revalorisation du patrimoine bâti, 23 and 24 May 2011, Skikda, Morocco, T2, pp. 770–782.