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Programmes de recherche

Durability of conservation treatments of weathered granite cultural property (case of the megalithic site of Stantari in Corsica)

Programme start: 2010 CICRP: Philippe Bromblet, Jean-Marc Vallet (directors) Partnerships(s): Mediterranean House of Human Sciences (MMSH), Aix-Marseille University, National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research, Territorial Collectivity of Corsica (CTC) For several years the CICRP has worked to gain a deeper understanding of the deterioration mechanisms affecting these granite

Role of clays in the deterioration of stone: application in the conservation of the ‘Molasse du Midi’ in terms of durability and compatibility of materials used

Programme start: 2009 CICRP: Philippe Bromblet (director), Jérémie Berthonneau (doctoral student 2010–2012), Jean-Marc Vallet Partnership(s): Bureau of Geological and Mining Research (BRGM), Center for Interdisciplinary Nanoscience of Marseille (CINaM) (Aix-Marseille University), PACA Regional Council This project forms the topic of a thesis (Jérémie Berthonneau) cofinanced by the BRGM,

Archeometry and conservation of ancient pigments used in Alexandria (Egypt)

Programme start: 2012 CICRP: Jean-Marc Vallet (director), Nicolas Bouillon, Odile Guillon Partnership(s): Centre for Alexandrian Studies, Monique Pomey, conservator-restorer The CICRP, the Centre for Alexandrian Studies and Mrs M. Pomey have established a research programme for the archaeometry and conservation of painted plaster and polychrome fired earth figurines

Conservation of Coptic paintings and inscriptions decorating the caves of the Hamâm Farâun site (Sinai, Egypt)

Programme start: 2010 CICRP: Jean-Marc Vallet Partnership(s): Leiden University, University of Amsterdam, Supreme Council of Antiquities The purpose of the Hamâm Farâun project is to take an inventory of and preserve all the decorated caves discovered on this site since 2004. They are decorated with Coptic paintings, symbols

Stimulated infrared thermography for the conservation of mural paintings

Programme start: 2011–2012 CICRP: Jean-Marc Vallet (French coordinator) Partnerships(s): Historic Monuments Research Laboratory (LRMH), University of Reims, IDK (Germany), IESL-FORTH (Greece), IGN, MAP-GAMSAU, Avignon Art College (ESSA), Chartreuse de Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, SINOPIA restoration workshop, Regional Conservation of Historic Monuments (CRMH) Languedoc-Roussillon The goal of this programme, which complements the

Identification of materials and techniques used in ancient painted plaster from Marseille

Programme start: 2005 CICRP: Philippe Bromblet, Vincent Mercurio Partnership(s): Municipal Archaeology Department, Heritage Workshop [Atelier du patrimoine], City of Marseille For several years, fragments of ancient painted plasters found in the excavation sites of Marseille have systematically formed the object of in-depth analyses to determine the nature of


Ewaglos (European Illustrated Glossary of Conservation Terms for Wall Paintings and Architectural Surfaces) est un glossaire européen illustré multilingue sur les termes utilisés pour la conservation des peintures murales et surfaces architecturales. Les termes sont définis en 11 langues. En effet, les définitions en anglais

Cold painting on reverse glass

Programme start: 2012 CICRP: Christine Benoit (director, pictorial materials), Emilie Hubert (imaging) This programme concerns reverse glass painting or painting fixed under glass, with several perspectives: The study of technological aspects, on the one hand, since the techniques used have not always been well identified (for example,